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Latest News
BPMA Goes Into The Regions
The BPMA has appointed nine regional directors following its decision to move some of its events into regions across the UK. These tailored ...
EGM called to discuss PROMOTA's future
PROMOTA has now announced that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be held at 11.30am on Wednesday 19 May 2010 at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, CV8 2LZ. ...
The proposed merger between PROMOTA and the bpma will only go ahead if members vote for the move, Rod Duncan the chairman of PROMOTA has ...
Golf Ball Marker / Button Cover
Zoogee World Inc. has patented and is manufacturing its own line of ‘custom’ super strength magnetic Golf Ball Markers with professional and effective ...
Latest news from proPSI
The New Wave companies, New Wave Sportswear, Intraco Trading, Lensen Toppoint and Texet Benelux, have decided to combine their strengths by a joint participation to ...
Ring Binders for Adora Gifts
Incorporated in 1992, Adora Gifts has gained a strong foothold in the supply of leather goods and now offers its latest ring binder. Made in fine ...
Boston Promotional Gifts UK merges with Keith Bradley Enterprises
PROMOTA member, Boston Promotional Gifts UK and Keith Bradley Enterprises merged recently, followed by the subsequent retirement of Keith Bradley himself after 30 years in the ...
Environmental achieves FSC Chain of Custody Certification
Everything Environmental, a leading UK trade-exclusive supplier of personalised recycled and eco friendly promotional and business gifts, has achieved FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Chain of ...
bpma response to Promota Statement re EGM
Gill Thorpe, Chairwoman of the bpma, has responded to the recent PROMOTA statement as follows: Whilst I do not like this form of communication, as ...
PROMOTA EGM postponed
PROMOTA has announced that the proposed EGM, where the PROMOTA members were to vote on the proposed merger with bpma, has been postponed due to ...