What a cracker!
We’ve got a cracker of an issue of Promo e-News for you here (pun intended!) which includes our Corporate and Promotional Christmas Gifts feature, showcasing not only food and drink, crackers and balloons, but also everything from squeezy Christmas pudding stress balls to very corporate pens and all manner of things in between. We’ve also got advice on how to choose and deliver Corporate Christmas Gifts.
In the news section and still on the Christmas theme, the bpma has announced the date of it’s popular Christmas lunch (17 December, London).
On the good news front, Nexus Collections is reporting 25% growth on overseas sales, there’s a new company on the promotional merchandise scene, Stitch London, and wewow has won a contract with the BBC.
Keeping us up to date with EU news, regular contributor Margot Parker from EurocomConsult, warns us of possible labelling regulations which will have impact on the promotional clothing sector.
Our interview this month is with Stephen Richards, Event Director of Incentives & Promotional Marketing – LIVE! who needs no introduction to anyone that's been involved in the industry for a while, but for newcomers who want to know more about him, it’s all here.
Next month we feature Desktop Accessories and I just hope we have as good a response from suppliers sending info and pics as we did this month, as it makes for an interesting and diverse feature.
So, keep your news coming and your feature info. If you’ve got a comment then you can blog it or send it to me to upload.
Meanwhile, I’m off to make out my Christmas list, now that I’m in the festive spirit.
Carole Bull
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