Two Years Until the Olympic Games 2012
This morning there was a whole radio programme devoted to progress on the Olympic stadium, the transport element, etc, etc.
It set me wondering what the state of play is in the promotional merchandise industry for Olympic products. Have you been commissioned to supply products to promote the games? Do you have a requirement for products to be used at the games or in the celebrations surrounding them? Whether you are supplying products for 2012 or looking to source them, do let me know.
The news this month has seen coverage of a wide variety of products. From USBs shaped like Barack Obama, to a miniature Routemaster bus to promote the latest Mary Poppins movie, right through to cost effective promotional transfers. There has been lots of sporting activity in the industry too and we have reports on the bpma’s annual boat race and PROMOTA’s golf day.
Our interview this month is with David Webster, Chair, PROMOTA and MD of Designs On U. Travel sweets, ice scrapers and key rings are all covered in our feature on car accessories this month.
With such variety of news items and product showcase, you’d better start reading now!
Carole Bull
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