TIS’ THE SEASON … to research
Christmas is coming and with it comes all those corporate Christmas gifts and cards. Now we, in the industry, are responsible for designing, specifying, manufacturing and supplying millions of these goodies to promoters or companies, who in turn give them to their customers and staff. But, we are also the recipients of such gifts. So, I’d like to conduct a little research among you.
As your calendars, diaries, bottles, hampers, singing Santa’s, etc., arrive, I want you to score them out of 1 to 10 overall on appeal, suitability, originality, usefulness, etc., etc. (10 being the highest) and drop me a note of your findings. Now, I’m not out to name and shame, quite the opposite, I’m looking for your favourites; not necessarily the most sumptuous, but maybe the most amusing or efficient. OK, so I wouldn’t mind some horror stories too, but lets keep it in the abstract (ie a certain cement company sent a singing Santa, that didn’t,) I don’t want to get sued!
I’m not saying we will even publish all the results, I’d just like to get an idea from you, the stalwarts of the industry, about what tickles your taste buds and lights your Christmas tree (so to speak!).
But before you even think about receiving gifts and Christmas messages, don’t forget about sending your own. If you have not yet chosen your seasonal corporate gift, there are a few companies, like Sweet Temptations, who are still offering an express service. If you search the site, I’m sure you will find more.
As for me, I’m all ready for Christmas, I’ve even sent Santa my wish list; Elastic deadlines are at the top, followed by feedback and input from readers. Printable photos follow close behind and the final item is lots of Christmas party pics for the Blog. I live in hope!
Finally, whether your Christmas is a religious festival, a holiday break or just an excuse to party – enjoy!
Carole Bull
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