The BPMA Announces Education Programme
At the BPMA Awards Dinner on the 25th January 2012 Chairman of the BPMA Neal Beagles announced the launch of an Industry Leading Education Programme. The focus will be on Continual Professional Development for all of its members which is a natural extension of the already very successful BPMA Academy.
Neal also went on to say that there will be a BPMA Education day to be held at the RICOH Arena in Coventry on January 22nd 2013, the day before The Trade Only National show 2013.
Neal Beagles commented “We are delighted to be running an education day ahead of the 2013 Trade Only Show. We plan to bring in some of the world’s best speakers in promotional merchandise to this event as education is core to the bpma’s strategy in moving the industry forward. This will truly put us in the forefront of education for our industry.”
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