The Amerika Group Celebrates First Anniversary
The Amerika Group celebrates their first anniversary in the European promotional merchandise industry this month. One year ago, two North American promotional product suppliers agreed to begin a new venture under the name The Amerika Group (TAG). They built a website, opened an office in Paris, France and started positioning themselves within the European promotional industry.
Soon after, Botanical Paperworks joined the group as the third supplier, making their products available to distributors in all European countries. Finally in the early part of 2014, Blue Loyal, Soft Stuff Creations and Zorrell came on board, creating a group of six North American suppliers worth, all together, over fifty million dollars of yearly turnover.
TAG is becoming widely known within the industry. In a short time, the company has positioned itself as one of the 250 most viewed suppliers on Sourcing City (September 2014), and during the last few months, the number of quotes requested by distributors from all over Europe has quadrupled.
TAG is now focusing on the future as it prepares to add new suppliers to its membership in order to offer more new products to distributors. In the early part of 2015 the company will showcase a brand new website and a larger catalogue.
The Group’s goal has always been to develop its membership to incorporate about twenty suppliers. Although they were hoping to have the full group in place by September 2015, the focus was placed instead on the development of the business for the existing suppliers.
European Director, Mr. Luc Bégin, commented: “At this point we are looking to grow to ten suppliers and put all our energy behind the development of these ten brands first and foremost. If we get to our original goal of twenty suppliers in two to three years instead of by September 2015, we will not see this as a loss. Our goal is to have a strong offer to our distributors with a high quality of sales service; not to offer anything and everything.”
Without the openness of distributors and the industry, TAG might not exist today. Every day brings new partners to The Amerika Group as more and more requests come in from all over Europe. It is with that in mind that The Amerika Group celebrates its first year in the European industry – grateful for the support and hopeful for a long and prosperous collaboration in the years to come.
The Amerika Group is a division of i nova, a company incorporated in Canada and based in Montreal, Quebec. Previously known as Novasmic, it has been in existence for more than seventeen years as a manufacturer of promotional items.
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