Shortlist Announced For BPMAEntrepreneur Award
A shortlist of five people has been decided by a high profile judging panel searching for The 2007 Entrepreneur of the Industry Award, an annual initiative by the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA).
The shortlist includes entrepreneurs Tim Cadel, Managing Director of Business Baubles, the personalised baubles company; Matt Franks, Director of Eco Incentives, the environmentally friendly promotional product and business gift company; Evan Lewis, Director of Everything Environmental which provides distributors with recycled and eco-friendly business and promotional gifts; Calypso Rose, Managing Director of Clippykit, the bespoke designer ‘Clippykit’ bag company and Tricia Weener, Managing Director of Intelligent Marketing & Communications, the integrated marketing agency.
Winner will be posted on the blog section of this site following the presentation of the award in London on December 19th.
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