PROMOTA will see in the New Year with a new person in the chair
Trudi Duncombe, director of bespoke garment manufacturer Infinity Clothing, has been appointed as the new chairwoman of PROMOTA, succeeding David Webster and will take over the chair with immediate effect.
Trudi is positive about the future of the association and sees her role as challenging, but at the same time exciting. She suspects that those in the industry who know her well will think she's gone mad for taking on this very demanding role, especially in the current economic climate, however she believes in PROMOTA and is confident it will continue to help and support distributors and suppliers both large and small.
Trudi thanks outgoing chairman David Webster on behalf of the Board for his positive contribution during his term of office.
Trudi states that she will be looking for input and guidance from members and the industry at large when working on new projects. She knows that it is important to work with the members to gain their trust and support, as they alone know what they want from the association which represents them.
Finally looking to the future the new PROMOTA chairwoman with her Board is formulating the association's plans for 2012 which will be revealed shortly.
Any member wishing to contact Trudi to discuss her appointment can contact her on M: 07765 981398.
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