PROMOTA Offers Links to Guidelines for using Royal Arms, Names & Images

PROMOTA, the independent trade association which represents manufacturers, importers and distributors in the promotional merchandise sector, has responded to our request for guidelines for producing merchandise associated with the recent royal engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton
Annette Scott, Principle Executive Officer and Company Secretary of PROMOTA, said, “We acted quickly to guide our members on the right road to making the best of this opportunity for generating more business.”
The advice is contained in two links to official websites and was first published on the PROMOTA website and subsequently forwarded to Promo e-News so that the industry as a whole could benefit from these guidelines.
Guidance on the Use of Royal Arms, Names & Images
Editor’s Note
As further advice becomes available, we will publish it here.
In the meantime, I’m looking forward to receiving our first image of merchandise created for this occasion, so if your company has already produced some royal engagement souvenirs, let me have a pic and we’ll publish it here.
Carole Bull, Editor
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