PROMOTA Goals for 2011

Readers will know that we have been canvassing the views of the industry’s associations and practitioners on what’s in store for the coming year. Below, David Webster, Chairman of PROMOTA shares with us the organisation’s goals for 2011.
David says, “Driving more profitable business from member to member is the key focus for 2011. Everything will be geared towards creating opportunities to develop their business and sharing a knowledge base to ensure that our members and their companies are equipped to be more profitable.
“Key goals for the association in 2011:
- Implement training programmes exclusively for members to enable achievement of 5 star accreditation
- Advise members around timely business opportunities to ensure that they make best possible use of them e.g. the upcoming Royal Wedding
- Create a successful event for members, with a new format, delivering quality leads in a fresh and contemporary exhibition space
- Continue to save members money by creating new benefits with relevant service partners
- Continue to engage with existing and potential members via social media channels – as these tools will continue to grow in popularity throughout 2011.”
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