Personalised marketing with promotional products
There is a growing need for businesses to better tailor marketing to individual customers with personalised and relevant messages, and with the use of big data this has become increasingly possible.
The Aimia Institute, a marketing and loyalty analytics company, recently released the findings of their latest global digital 2.0 research, which shows that 69% of us are closing down accounts and subscriptions and ‘unfriending’ companies as a result of poorly targeted communications.
This demonstrates the importance of getting the message, timing and delivery right in order to build strong relationships with customers.
Reciprocity in terms of rewards, benefits and added value are key motivators for customers. By demonstrating your company’s ongoing interest in your customer’s needs you can build long-lasting and trusting relationships. Thanking customers with a tangible benefit or personalised gift elicits an emotional response and can help your business increase their loyalty.
However, the impact of the reward or gift will be largely reliant on how well you have understood your customer; who they are and what they want and expect from your brand. The data held by companies can be used for the customers’ benefit, to produce tailored gifts that are guaranteed to be appreciated. Providing personalised gifts that are relevant, whether according to gender, age, location, previous buying habits or leisure preferences, is easier than ever, and the extra effort in determining what reward best suits what customer is sure to pay off with higher customer retention and increased brand affiliation.
Promotional gifts are fully customisable and offer many options for personalisation. For example, you could gift a bottle of wine with the label printed with your customers’ name. Or you could provide a product in personalised gift wrapping. These small details will add to the customer’s experience and increase their sense of value.
With the number of marketing messages the average person is now subjected to on a daily basis, companies cannot afford to provide generic, one-size-fits-all rewards. Providing a promotional product that not only reminds someone of your company but is also relevant, delivers value and will be used regularly has been proven to invoke a sense of loyalty among customers. Customer retention is considered to be the top goal for 67% of marketing executives in their rewards programs, and promotional products can help to deliver this.
If you would like quotes for personalised promotional products, fill out our quick quotes form, speak to our live chat agents or email today.
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