Partner News – Promotional Marketing Exhibition Update

Following the success of the 2007 Promotional Marketing Exhibition (17 – 19 April, Olympia), which recorded a 7.5% increase in visitors (2044 ABC audited) and 25% increase in exhibitors (200 in total), plans for the 2008 event are well under way with 45% of the floor space already reserved.

Those rebooking include Marriott Individual Incentives, Filofax Group, Print Run, Eco Incentives, Prodir, Just What You Want and Denny Bros.
Olympia will once again host the only London exhibition devoted entirely to the sales promotion, incentive and motivation sector and the dates have been set for 15 – 17 April, 2008.
New Initiatives
Following extensive de-brief meetings with exhibitors and visitors, Simon Tilley, MD of the Promotional Marketing Exhibition, has announced new initiatives designed to ensure that the exhibition continues to be a focus for inspiration and education in this fast-moving industry.
He said, “Feedback on the seminar programme was phenomenal and the level of audience participation, evoking lively industry debate, was commented on by many. This has led us to develop the seminar programme into ‘The Industry Forum’ for the 2008 event. We intend this to be the place where the industry can make its voice heard. We will be encouraging panellists and the audience to not only pass on their expertise, but also air their concerns, debate the issues of the day and come to understand each other’s opinions and objectives for the future.
“The industry’s important governing bodies, the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA), Institute of Sales Promotion (ISP) and The Va (Voucher Association), have all pledged their support for the 3rd Promotional Marketing Exhibition and will all be invited to work with us to develop a programme that will educate and inspire whilst stimulating lively and thought-provoking debate between industry experts, buyers and suppliers.
“Also, in line with retail, as well as industry trends, we will be supporting eco-friendly initiatives and will be highlighting stands offering green products at the show. Olympia itself was crowned Exhibition Venue of the Year at the 2006 Event Awards in recognition of its industry-leading position on environmental sustainability and the increased importance that the events industry is placing on environmentally healthy venues.”
The Promotional Marketing Exhibition Newsletter has just been published, highlighting quotes from many delighted exhibitors who actually took orders at the show, as well as outlining our plans for 2008.
The updated design theme of the newsletter will also be echoed on the Promotional Marketing Exhibition’s new website (to be launched in July). In the interim period, the show’s ‘holding’ website includes a short review of the 2007 event together with pod casts from the 2007 seminar programme and access to media casts of highlights from the show.
Visit for regular updates on show initiatives.
For more details call Dave Jeannes on 01732 867766 or e-mail
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