News From Across the Industry
Although we work closely with all the industry organisations, we are not tied to any one of them and are therefore impartial and free to report news from right across the industry – which could explain why we have such a diverse range of information in this issue.
We have news regarding promotional products being used by major brand names, William Hill and Jamie Oliver, a review of the Promotional Marketing Exhibition and a report on the BPMA Academy graduation ceremony.
There is also news of an office made from recycled shipping containers, (honestly – I haven’t been at the cooking sherry!) as well as news of products that are just coming to market, including my favourite this month, Lili the webcam.
We have an interview with a member of the promotions community, Margot Parker, BPMA Board Director and industry consultant, who is entering the political arena, plus a feature reporting how promotional gadgets are getting smaller and smarter.
So, if you want to know what’s happening in the promotions industry, bookmark this site for impartial news. Or if you have news or an opinion to share, e-mail it to me and it can be shared with our 21,000 subscribers and 60,000 monthly visitors.
Keep in touch!
Carole Bull
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