New Year? – Let’s do something new
A Happy New Year from everyone here at Promotional Merchandise, we hope you had an excellent break and are now back in the hot seat ready for a busy and successful 2006.
In wishing you the best for the next 12 months I am wondering how many of you made resolutions, both personal and professional, for 2006. I also wonder how many of these ideas and promises will last through to even February, never mind the whole of the year.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be clever, indeed, I am brilliant at coming up with an idea in the days after Christmas only for it to be singularly unimplemented. I guess that, like most people, I get back into the routine and am too caught up in day-to-day stuff to look at the wider picture.
At least, that was until this Christmas when, after years of thinking about it, I actually completely re-timetabled our traditional way of doing things and introduced a few new ideas and activities.
I won’t bore you with the details but can assure you that the changes were welcomed by all who were affected by them and the overwhelming response was that Christmas 2005 was not at all the Groundhog Day, ‘same old same old’ time that we’ve had in the past.
On a personal level I was glad to have at last seen a new project through to a successful completion. As far as my family and guests are concerned, they had such a good time that they are already looking forward to next year when we will all come up with some more ideas to keep the event fresh.
The point of all this is that change is absolutely crucial for the success of any venture.
Now, I don’t mean change for the sake of it. I mean a carefully considered evaluation of where we are now, what we want to get out of what we are doing and what action we are going to take to ensure a successful outcome.
Do you always find that, despite your best intentions, you end up sending people the same promotional gifts? Do you have the attitude that says ‘it’s always worked well so we’ll keep on doing it’? I think this is totally understandable but I’m not sure how good this can be in the long term.
So why not decide that this year you’re going to take some time to think things through and that following this you’re going to do something different? As I keep pointing out, the people on the Promotional Merchandise website have a wealth of ideas and would be delighted to help you achieve your goals. Give them a try.
Now, I’m just off to make a list…
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