Members Celebrate at the BPMA Christmas Lunch
The bpma held its annual Christmas lunch at the Guoman Tower Hotel in London on Friday 16th December. were in attendance at the sell out event along with Will International, Prodir, Desktop Ideas, Sharon Lee, SPS, ID&C, Trade Only and Navillus to name but a few.
This year the chosen charity was Get Kids Going, a childrens charity which supports disabled children participate in sports. A massive £4,225 was raised through a charity raffle and auction on the day.
Jane Emmerson, Co founder of the charity said “I cannot thank you enough for all your wonderful support and kindness and all the effort you made on our behalf. A big thank you to all of the bpma members who bought raffle tickets and the bidders in the Auction. It was a great event and we just loved being with you all.”
At the lunch, Neal Beagles, Chairman of the bpma shared his vision by reiterating that our industry can grow to the value of £3billion. Beagles went on to detail the bpma’s commitment to this growth by collaborating with the Promotional Merchandise Show at Marketing Week Live and engaging with a strong end user marketing programme.
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