Leading distributors register for SC Marketplace

Over 60 leading distributor companies have already confirmed their attendance at SC Marketplace within days of registration opening. All professional distributors with a turnover above £250k are invited to the event on 23rd and 24th September 2014. Sourcing City expect attendance to exceed 200 of the country’s top distributors during the coming weeks.
Already universally acclaimed as the industry’s top networking event, the SC Marketplace Team are confident that they are going to deliver even more excitement, and more value during the September event. Sourcing City CEO, Alistair Mylchreest, commented: “It is never easy to make something excellent better, but we think we can!”
As always the key to the success of the event is the Focused Conversations which, as well as including Key Services, will now also feature presentations of Hot Products. All guests can Meet by Appointment as well as taking advantage of the new informal ‘Runaround Sessions’.
SC Marketplace is seen as the place where quality time is spent between industry professionals, giving all new business opportunities at a key selling time.
To find out more about the event, click here.
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