It’s official – Christmas is coming
It’s official, Christmas is coming.
How do I know that?
Well, apart from the fact that the high street is full of tinsel and lights, I’m told by our technical team, who analyse all the traffic on this site, that the three most frequently ordered products at the moment are Christmas cards, promotional calendars/diaries and promotional business gifts. The fastest growing requested products are Christmas crackers, chocolates and Christmas baubles; other popular products at this time being snowglobes and advent calendars.
So it seems that, unlike The Queen who was reported to have cancelled her staff Christmas party, most of those who use promotional products are still going ahead with celebrating Christmas in the usual way, by sending branded cards, diaries, snowglobes and other seasonal promotional gifts, and that’s good news for the sector as a whole.
And there’s more good news in the industry as can be seen in our news pages. There are new recruits at High Profile and Senator, and Brandinc has reported healthy end of year figures.
However, in this issue we look further affield than the UK market. Our interview this month is with Brett Law, Director, The Kanga Group (TKG), Australia, who has offices in the UK, which he has recently visited, so is well placed to make some comparisons with the UK and Australian markets.
Finally, our feature focuses on desktop accessories and you just must take a look at the ‘Rabbit earphone tidy’, it’s a great example of functional and fun, which is what I think makes a successful (in terms of it’s used and therefore acts as reminder of the giver) desktop item.
Do you have some good news or some insightful industry comment? If so, just email me and I’ll be glad to share it with our readers.
Carole Bull
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