Hot Product from iName it

Following on the heels of our ‘Hot Product’ feature, Fiona Booth, Account Manager, at iName it has submitted another Hot Product for 2011, and this one has already won and industry award.
Fiona said, “Our Peel-able Posters received the ‘The Innovative Product of the Year’ award at the bpma Christmas Lunch last month and they are definitely something to look out for in 2011.”
I caught up with Fiona at the recent Trade Only show where the posters were firmly attached to the walls of the iName it stand (as pictured), but could be easily removed if necessary.
The posters are made from a polyester blend fabric for strength and easy hanging – this also prevents the posters from tearing and you can use them on any scale. You can opt for a small A3 poster or go crazy by decorating a whole room or stand with them as they are available in a roll in a wallpaper-like format. In fact two panels of the iName it stand were covered with huge Peel-able Posters.
They are easily applied and removed without leaving any residue, can be removed and repositioned, and they will also stick to any non-porous surface, walls, windows, doors and floors.
Peel-able Posters can also be laminated in order for them to be used as white boards (ie write on – wipe off)!
iName it is and established supplier of personalised calendars, mugs and other desktop accessories.
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