Galpeg Associates visit key supplier Keramikos

The highly experienced Galpeg Associates were out in force recently visiting key supplier Keramikos, a leading UK trade only supplier of printed ceramic, glassware, plastic mugs and tableware at their offices in Derbyshire.
Four members of the Galpeg Associate team made the journey from locations across the UK including Paul Green, Managing Director of Galpeg.
The Galpeg Associates were greeted by the Keramikos team as they showcased their premises and factory floor, updated them about the extensive product range including a sneak preview on new products as well as providing a company overview.
The Associates also had the opportunity to test their skills and abilities against one another as they spent time learning how to transfer designs and logos onto a selection of versatile Keramikos mugs.
As a team and individually, the Associates regularly meet key suppliers to keep abreast of new developments and product ranges so they have the information readily available and can pass it on to their own customers when wanting to source quality promotional items quickly and efficiently.
Paul Green, Managing Director at Galpeg commented: “We have been working with Keramikos for over 10 years and are increasingly doing more business with them. It was a highly productive and insightful day on both sides. Seeing and managing the products allows us to speak authoritatively on the vast range.”
Godfrey O’Donnell, Commercial Director at Keramikos said: “Our most recent acquisition of Thermalmate UK has meant that our product range will grow even further.
“It was great that the Galpeg Associates team had the chance to not only visit us but also hear about our work, product range and plans for the future. We always believe that a visit to our factory provides customers with the best opportunity to really understand what we are capable of doing.”
Picture shows: From Left to Right: Paul Green, Lorraine Mollart and Godfrey O’Donnell.
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