Former Sheffield United football manager Dave Bassett gives seal of approval for new business launch on home ground

Well-known former Sheffield United football manager Dave Bassett was among the many guests attending the Saint Promotions launch party. Lorraine Mollart launched the promotional merchandise business through the Galpeg Associate programme in South West Sheffield last week.
Lorraine was pictured with Dave Bassett at the party.
Dave Bassett commented: “The evening was well presented for everybody to see the products available and there was an excellent atmosphere which had been generated by Lorraine.
“Lorraine obviously knows her business and showed her experience and understanding. She was well supported by business connections in the Sheffield area, a lot of whom were known by me, and the feedback I got from these people was very positive. In addition she was assisted and supported by friends and family who showed genuine enthusiasm for her new venture.
“Having met Lorraine for the first time my impression was her ambition to make this business a success. She showed enthusiasm, determination, perseverance and belief in her own ability.
“I am certainly of the opinion and feeling that Lorraine will make this business a success. As a person she communicates extremely well and presents herself as a professional lady.”
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