Everything Environmental adds to environmental certificates
In its ongoing quest to be as green and ethical as possible, Everything Environmental, the UK's leading trade-only supplier of eco-friendly and recycled promotional gifts, has added the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) to its long list of environmental and ethical certificates.
PEFC is the world's leading forest certification programme and is dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. They work to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with respect for the highest ecological, social and ethical standards.
As part of the agreement Everything Environmental can now offer PEFC certified items. Initially the company will be launching PEFC’s natural pencils that are available with and without erasers and are looking to launch a more extensive product range over the coming months.
In order to achieve the much sought after certificate Everything Environmental had to meet a series of strict guidelines and criteria. The certification is widely viewed as a stamp of approval within the green and ethical community and will sit alongside the previous accreditation the company achieved from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).
Evan Lewis, Founder and Managing Director of Everything Environmental, commented: “We are continually looking at ways to not only better the ethical experience for the user but also ensure that we have the latest and most up to date certification in the marketplace. The PEFC is globally recognised for ensuring best practice in forest management.
“Those receiving items with the branding on can be 100 per cent sure that the products received are accredited to the highest standard.”
Evan Lewis set up Everything Environmental in 2005. The company has since expanded to offer the widest range of recycled and eco-friendly gifts in the promotional product sector, across Europe. Their product range comprises of pencils made from sustainably harvested wood, office accessories made out of recycled plastics, clothing made out of organic cotton and more than 150 other eco-friendly products.
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