Evan Lewis, Founder of Everything Environmental conquers the Arctic Circle Race

Evan Lewis, Founder and Managing Director of Everything Environmental, the UK’s leading trade-only supplier of eco-friendly and recycled promotional gifts, has successfully completed the challenge of the Arctic Circle Race which saw him cross country ski 160km in Greenland to raise money for bone marrow charity Myeloma UK.
Evan has written about his journey on his blog which details his experiences during one of the world's toughest endurance races. Here is an excerpt from the blog:
"This was going to be our base during the race and suddenly it all felt very real. High up in the mountains we could just make out a collection of 2-man tents, a start finish area and the eating and drying tents.
"Landing on the most spectacular airstrip I’ve ever seen, mere feet from the freezing water’s edge I could make out the tiny fishing town of Sisimiut.
"Surrounded on one side by towering mountains and the other by the sea it was hard to make out amongst the spectacular scenery. Small as it was this is Greenland’s second largest “city”.
"2 days of training, registrations and safety briefings passed with one looming question still to be answered... Was it to be the 100km or full 160km race distance. Training had gone well, the injury picked up in Norway did not seem to be giving me any issues and the knowledge I’d only be there once left me with no option. The 160km race is ranked in the Top 5 of the world’s toughest endurance races and certainly the worlds hardest cross country ski marathon. The race organisers had already informed us it would be the toughest course set in the 17 years of the event history but I had to see if I could do it. Normally the race is set in the foothills, along the edges of the lakes and over the frozen fjords. However, due to unseasonably warm weather throughout March the frozen surfaces were started to give way and the snow in the valleys could not be guaranteed for the duration of the race. The decision had therefore been taken to set the race up in the mountains. The camp had been relocated from the valley floor to where we’d seen it on our approach high up above sea level."
You can read all about Evan's journey on the full blog here: http://allgreenandgood.wordpress.com/evans-greenland-challenge-2/
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