Carrying on Communicating
Carrying on from my December Ed's column on communicating - apparently I haven't been doing enough of it.
I had completely ignored the Blog section of the website. However, I have now remedied this and added a blog (no, I'm not going to tell you what it says, you'll have to take a look!)
Although you can comment on my blog (and please do), for security reason's you can't add your own blog, but you can suggest a subject for a blog to me.
We've gone to town a bit on this issue with lots of news, including product, exhibition and industry news as well as legislation info., which is due to the fact we have had such a good response from you to our requests for news. So, thank you and keep up the good work.
Next month we hope to include an interview with an industry insider and our feature will be on eco-friendly, recyclable and recycled products.
Carole Bull
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