BPMA demonstrate power of promotional products at MWL '15
The BPMA exhibited at Marketing Week Live 2015, alongside almost 30 of its members, as part of the association's commitment to connect with end-users and promote the value of promotional merchandise.
The BPMA used the show, which took place from the 29th to 30th April 2015, to raise the profile of promotional products and to support their award-winning awareness campaign - Promotional Products Week, which is taking place from 14th to 18th September this year.
MWL is designed to tackle the biggest marketing challenges in the modern era and in total welcomed over 6,500 marketing and Insight professionals. This year Centaur Media, organisers of the show, introduced a game-changing strategy to filter attendees so that a concentrated audience of marketing professionals coming through the doors each day offered a superior experience for all. The innovative strategy resulted in a visitor profile that was over 90% marketing and insight professionals - a reflection of its core objective to connect top quality visitors and exhibitors.
Pinky Van-Lare, marketing manager, BPMA commented: “Our objective was to demonstrate the value and power of branded product media by offering free personalised Cross or Shaeffer pens while discovering Elevate - a high quality clothing brand.
“The organiser's strategy of carefully curating the visitor profile delivered a better outcome for those exhibiting at the show. The BPMA team found the visitors to be more engaged than ever, with virtually every visitor confirming that they use promotional products.”
Harvey Lock, Limelight Publicity added: “MWL’15 was a great success for Limelight. The quality of people was significantly higher which is brilliant and gave us an excellent opportunity to show off Limelight as a market leader. We are now busier than ever following up hundreds of leads and enquiries. We’ll be back next year! “
Neal Beagles, Roantree said: “Marketing Week Live is a great opportunity to meet and really engage with top marketers. The BPMA has done a great job in raising the profile of Promotional Products by having a stand and which really shows the benefits of using a BPMA member for the supply of products. We were really pleased with the response from this years’ show.”
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