An Exciting Year in Store
As editor of Promo e-news, I believe that 2011 will be a very exciting year for the promotions industry and this is backed up by some of the comments in this month’s feature.
We asked industry insiders for predictions for 2011 (some printed in the news section) and although one or two were cautious, most were upbeat and many companies have already launched new products and new branding capabilities to entice the budget from those that hold it.
With the Rugby and Cricket World Cups taking place in 2011, two royal weddings and the Olympics looming in 2012, there are surely plenty of opportunities for using this industry’s undoubted creativity to maximise these business opportunities.
Both the bpma and PROMOTA, the industry’s important associations, are focusing on educating the end user, enhancing and exhibiting the industry’s professionalism and profile and helping their members to do business.
Tomorrow (Wednesday), I am off to the annual Trade Only show at the Ricoh Arena, which this year is bigger than ever, so I’ll be able to report back on more new products and innovations.
If you are attending this show, or have just returned from PSI, then tell me what you found in terms of the atmosphere and the products that stood out.
Also, don’t forget, we always welcome your news and views and contributions to our features. The features list is now online at, so don’t be shy, grab your moment in the spotlight and tell us what’s new in your company.
Carole Bull, Editor
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