The bpma 2011 regional events concluded
The bpma has now completed all its regional events for 2011 with the most recent ones from October and November. The bpma team has run events in Chatteris(Cambs), Bolton, Glasgow, Sheffield, Weybridge(Surrey)and finally Bristol. The meetings have allowed distributors and suppliers to talk openly about issues and opportunities as well as comparing industry developments. The bpma shared some of the new industry research at some of the events. Feedback from members suggested the debates were the key element. The debate topics covered included, understanding the trade partnership, industry definitions, growing our market to £3bn and what creates WOW customer service.
"Great debate and an opportunity to discuss a rounded view of the challenges for both supplier and distributor" - David Lynn MD of Dowlis
The bpma will distill all the comments and views so that tangible progress can be made.
Gordon Glenister Director General commented, “We always wanted to get out to the regions, so that we could engage with our members. Its been a great success and we have more planned for 2012.”
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