Tendering Made Easier by the bpma
The bpma launched its new “Tendering Made Easier” workshop on Wednesday 14th March. The seminar was created by the bpma to support its growing distributor membership to find, prepare, bid and win Tender contracts more successfully.
Delegates including Brand Addition, Merchandise Mania, Roantree Incentive Marketing, Navillus Print Gifts and Falcon Promotions gained an insight into what the client looks for in a tender submission both at the RFI and RFP stages. The practical element used a “live” example of a promotional merchandise tender document that had been submitted scrutinising it for its strengths and weaknesses and scoring it from a client perspective.
Guest speakers included Steve Gilbert who presented from a clients perspective and Industry Expert Viv Blumfield who presented on how to create a tender response and where to add value within a bid. Viv introduced delegates to the 5 golden rules and 5 deadline sins in tender submissions.
"Very informative and opens the mind to different dimensions when working on tender answers. I thoroughly enjoyed all elements of this seminar!" says Merchandise Mania.
"Value for money! Real, credible advice for potential hurdles in the tendering process and a valuable viewpoint from the client." says Roantree Incentive Marketing.
Due to the success of the first Workshop, the bpma will be hosting an extended Tendering Made Easier Workshop in October. To register your interest, contact Daniela@bpma.co.uk
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