Survey Reveals 97% Satisfaction With This Site
A big ‘Thank You’ to all those who took part in our recent survey (July) – a follow-up to our November 2006 survey. The results of these surveys give us a better understanding of buying requirements, habits and budgets and the way buyers use the website. The information gleaned from this feedback will continue to be used to improve the site in line with buyers’ and suppliers’ requirements. The following digest will help suppliers further understand visitors/buyers’ profiles and allow them to target their offer accordingly.
Marketing and Brand Managers are now the largest group (39.7%) visiting the site and this has changed significantly from the November 2006 survey, when Event/Show Managers were the largest group (30%). Currently the rest of the visitors are fairly evenly spread among MDs/CEOs/Presidents/Directors/Creative Directors, Event/Show Managers/ PR Manages and Sales Managers.
The largest group of respondents came from SME’s (43.3%). Whilst the percentage is down on November 2006, when it was 64%, this could point towards PromoUK attracting a more corporate market than last year.
We now know that a healthy 22.9% of respondents order promotional items more than 10 times per year, 11% 6 – 9 times per year, 24.2% 3 – 6 times per year, with 41% (the largest percentage) of visitors ordering promotional items between 1 and 3 times each year. This data is very similar to that from the 2006 survey and indicates that the promotional items market is stable across all size of buyer and budgets.
The group with the smallest budget (up to £5k) has decreased in size also from 45% to 38.8%, but on the plus side there is an increase in the size of the group spending £5-30k.
Online directories, suppliers websites and search engines (ie the web) are the most important source for our respondents with over 75% reporting this as their preferred method. This is a very positive response for PromoUK since 39% of online searchers said that is their first stop when searching the internet for and a significant proportion of these (66%) find what they are looking for in the categories on the site, all or most of the time.
Once again our survey reveals that only a very small percentage of respondents (2.9%) do not source promotional items online (which makes you wonder why they visit!).
Finally, there was a very positive response for PromoUK, with 97.8% of respondents stating that they were either very satisfied or satisfied with the site.
We hope that this breakdown is of interest to you and we are naturally delighted with the overall satisfaction statistics, but we are not going to rest on our laurels. Far from it, we are currently compiling a survey to find out what our visitors think of these news pages and how we can continue to evolve them.
However, you don’t have to wait for a survey to air your views or offer your comments on the PromoUK site. Just click onto and fill in the form.
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