Sourcing City Marketplace hits record appointment numbers
Sourcing City Marketplace has hit a new record of 1000 appointments booked with four weeks still to go. This new record accompanies the record number of pre-registrations for this year's event.
On the 21st August appointments with the industry's top suppliers broke through the 1000 barrier. Around 100 of the industry’s top suppliers are waiting to spend quality time in conversation with important distributors from across the UK and Ireland.
The event allows distributors to book appointments with both existing and potential suppliers in a relaxed atmosphere. The event theme is ‘Let’s do business’ and suppliers will be discussing their added value services, late season new products and product range overviews. VIP’s make appointments for supplier meetings prior to SC Marketplace, and suppliers can also contact top distributors to make key appointments prior to the event.
All professional distributors over £500k Turnover are invited to the VIP networking event which will be held at FIVE in Farnborough on Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th September.
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