Sourcing City and Trade Only Resign from BPMA
Following an announcement that Sourcing City and Trade Only have resigned membership from the BPMA, the trade association has released a statement:
"While we regret [Customer Focus (Trade Only) and Sourcing City's] decisions, as a professional trade association we look forward to leading the industry and being truly independent.
"We are fully committed to representing and supporting our members, and offering true competitive advantage through education and engagement.
"Having recently announced the appointment of Nigel Bailey as Event Director, we are excited to be offering our second BPMA Annual Conference in July, and the new BPMA Show and Annual Awards in September 2016. We believe these events provide a unique opportunity for professional suppliers and distributors to collaborate, grow business together, and be recognised for best practice.
"We hold both Trade Only and Sourcing City in high regard and wish them every success moving forward."
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