Promotional Pathway to hold induction day
Graham Winter and Viv Blumfield of Promotional Pathway, a company providing external and in-house training and development courses, are holding a one-day induction course entitled 'Welcome to our crazy world – an end-to-end introduction to the promotional merchandise industry'.
The course will be held on Wednesday 19th February at the Sourcing City Offices, in Farnborough, from 9.00am to 5.30pm and is open to staff from both suppliers and distributors.
Graham and Viv have a combined experience of over 60 years within the promotional merchandise industry. They offer promotional merchandise training solutions, covering the complete supply chain, prepared and delivered by those who have actually lived the business!
For full details of the course and a booking form, please email or call on 07595 454258 or on 07807 583863.
Ensure that all of your team, from the most junior upward, are armed and ready with the necessary skills to maximise your share of the growing market in 2014 by booking today.
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