PROMOTA Calls Off Talks with bpma
Editor’s Note
Amid speculation and rumour regarding the proposed merger of PROMOTA and the bpma, Promo e-News approached both bodies for a statement. Here is the official information from PROMOTA and we will upload the information from bpma as soon as it is to hand.
PROMOTA, a leading UK body representing members of the promotional merchandise industry, has terminated merger talks with the British Promotional Merchandise Association (bpma). Members of PROMOTA were informed by letter last week that negotiations with the bpma had been terminated.
PROMOTA blamed the move on the lengthy, protracted nature of the talks, which failed to reach a satisfactory conclusion about finding a way forward towards a potential merger.
PROMOTA Chairman, Rod Duncan, said, “Unfortunately, it has become abundantly clear that the bpma’s idea of a trade association was different to ours. Accordingly, the board has terminated discussions with the bpma board and will now focus solely on the International PROMOTA Show 2010 in March next year and on what we do best – serving our members.
“Over the past few months there have been a series of negotiations and exchanges of information in respect of a potential merger with the bpma. Regrettably, as part of that process, the bpma has not provided all the necessary information to enable a positive decision to be taken. That has resulted in long, drawn-out discussions which eventually, but after much perseverance on our part, led us to the conclusion that to continue merger talks was simply not tenable.”
Mr Duncan added that PROMOTA had done “all in its power” to try and move the talks forward over a period of several months, including offering alternative solutions and proposals at various times during the talks. However, he described the response from the bpma as “inadequate and dilatory”.
He continued, “We propose a PROMOTA members’ meeting in March where we shall share our thoughts regarding the future strategy of our association. We have a number of initiatives either under way or in the pipeline and, until March, all efforts will be focused on developing and promoting the best possible show and providing members with unrivalled levels of service, knowledge and commitment to our industry.”
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