Pocket-sized Ashtray

This reusable anti-litter device will help with the problem of chewing gum and cigarette butts at festivals, sporting events, golf clubs, etc. It contains a fireproof lining to extinguish cigarettes and lock-in odour. Pocket-sized it enables gum and cigarette butts to be stored until they can be dropped into a bin rather than dropped in the street. It helps us all to take responsibility for litter and our environment. The pocket ashtray is designed to store up to five cigarette butts at any one time and its airtight design means that smoke odours are locked inside.
Editor’s note: I think these should also be given out to all employees or visitors who smoke outside the front door of their work premises, hotels or railway stations. There’s nothing worse than stepping through a pile of cigarette butts before you can enter a building.
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