Paper Bag Company achieve FSC® certification

The Paper Bag Company, a leading supplier of retail and promotional bags, is proud to announce that they have achieved certification from the Forest Stewardship Council® which is given to companies that pledge to adhere to the FSC® system that promotes responsible management of the world's forests.
As is often reported in the press, one of the world's biggest problems today is the levelling of forest land on an industrial scale. Forests are said to be 'the lungs of the world' and are being destroyed around the globe at a phenomenal rate. Deforestation is a key contributor to global warming and a cause for enhancing the greenhouse effect. It's also estimated that 137 species of plants, animals and insects are being lost every single day due to deforestation.
Being FSC certified shows that you comply with the highest social and environmental standards on the market. The FSC certification attests that the wood the Paper Bag Company sources in the production of their paper bags, has not been illegally harvested and is from well managed forests and other controlled sources. The company is audited every year and there is a rigorous process of checking that every process and policy set out to protect the forests is followed to the letter.
The Paper Bag Company are currently offering a 10% discount when ordering any of their stock of plain wholesale bags. Quote promo code Summer10 when ordering.
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