Out Of the Woods and into the bushes!
Today we are told we are officially out of recession with the UK economy growing by a weaker-than-expected 0.1%. However, we are also warned that we could experience another downturn, referred to as a double dip! On the bright side, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) now predicts that the UK economy will grow by 1.3% in 2010. So, are we out of the woods, but still in the bushes and not yet in the clear?
That’s the UK economy forecast, but what about the promotional merchandise industry forecast? Well, I think we’ll all know more about that when we visit the Trade Only National Show at the Ricoh Centre tomorrow and Thursday (27/28 Jan) and gauge the mood of the visitors and exhibitors.
Staying with industry exhibitions, PSI and Pro Exhibitions & Publishers, the previous organiser of pro, have decided to co-operate and proPSI, will take place from 25 to 27 August 2010 in Amsterdam.
Back in the UK, the bpma (British Promotional Merchandise Association) has moved its offices to the more centrally located Russell Square.
Here at Promo e-News we are working on further updates to the website and in this issue you can read a Q & A with Craig Allen our Head of Search, the man who ensures we stay at the top of the search engines.
Well, I’m off to pack my bag for the Trade Only Show and the bpma awards ceremony (held on the first night of the show). If you are not visiting the show or going to the glitzy award ceremony, then look out for the exhibition review and a report on the awards here on Promo e-News.
Carole Bull
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