New tool for PSI members: the PSI Webshop
The new PSI Webshop for distributors offers an easy system for searching and ordering promotional products as well as many useful services for promotional products distributors. The new E-commerce platform makes use of the same product database as the PSI Product Finder 2.0 and thus disposes of several tens of thousands of continuously updated items. The objective is to provide support to distributors wishing to set up a new sales-promoting website or to add an attractive sales channel to an existing site.
Distributors are given the option of incorporating this shop into their website so as to simplify the search for promotional products and ordering procedures for their customers. Individual configuration of the Webshop is possible: The design can be adapted to the visual appearance of their website, the shop is available in six languages, and it is up to the distributors to decide what product and manufacturer information to release for their customers to view. A comprehensive statistics tool provides information on the use of the Webshop and instructive evaluation identifying the items getting the highest number of viewings and the big sellers. Based on this information, distributors can revise their product range or shift their product focus to improve results.
The PSI Webshop has its own customer and order management. The system assigns the different articles ordered to the respective PSI suppliers in a way that shows immediately which supplier to contact for processing the order. The tool automatically enters changes in article data in the system. A demo version of the Webshop has been available to interested persons on the Internet at
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