New GLOWFLAG™ from B-Loony lights up those dark winter evenings

New from B-Loony, the Glowflag promises to be the ideal product for events, festivals, shows and for Christmas Lights Switch On events. The Glowflag is a custom printed flag with glow-in-the-dark flag sticks. Just bend the sticks and they will glow for hours - can you imagine the effect in a theatre or concert venue with thousands of Glowflags being waved by the audience?
B-Loony make Paper Flags in the UK and are the only supplier of environmental flags with recycled paper and fully biodegradable sticks. Their low-cost paper hand waving flags have full colour process printing with two different designs on sealed gloss paper. The standard polypropylene sticks used are child-safe.
Another great, innovative product by B-Loony is the Doodleflag®. This is a great give-away activity toy to entertain kids. You can create puzzles or competition designs on the flag for colouring in using crayons which are stored in the special tube. The Doodleflag® makes for a great toy for any child, young or old, to take home from travel businesses, restaurants or retailers!
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