Marketing Association Alliance Debuts At PME

The newly formed and highly influential Marketing Association Alliance will make its debut at the Promotional Marketing Exhibition (15 – 17 April, Olympia, London).
The formation of the Alliance was spearheaded by Gordon Glenister, Director General of the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) with a view to sharing knowledge, experience and learning more about each others disciplines and how they all form part of an integrated marketing campaign.
Now in its third year, the Promotional Marketing Exhibition has become an established event in the marketing calendar and this year, for the first time ever, the members of the Alliance (the BPMA (British Promotional Merchandise Association), DMA (The Direct Marketing Association), ISP (Institute of Sales Promotion), POPAI (Point of Purchase Advertising International), IPIA (Independent Print Industries Association) and The VA (Voucher Association)) will have a joint presence on their own stand at the show. Members of each Assocation will be present to offer advice and information on a wide range of marketing related topics to visitors who will comprise senior marketers, buyers and decision makers from both private and public sectors.
Speaking of the formation and launch of the Alliance, Gordon Glenister, said, “I am truly delighted at being able to launch our newly formed group at the Promotional Marketing Exhibition. It’s a great opportunity to showcase our various Association specialities at this event.”
The Alliance will also conduct a module of The Industry Forum, an interactive element of the exhibition, where representatives of each organisation will form a panel to discuss and debate ‘How to run a successful integrated marketing campaign’ with members of the audience.
Simon Tilley, MD of the Promotional Marketing Exhibition (, said, “We are delighted that the Alliance has chosen the Promotional Marketing Exhibition, the largest promotional marketing exhibition in the UK, for its launch appearance.

However, it is wholly appropriate as the event features suppliers from a wide variety of marketing disciplines including promotional print, publishing, packaging, merchandise, direct mail devices, risk assessment, e-marketing software, website development and optimisation plus motivational programmes and event management.”
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