Giftcard and Voucher Week 2013 announces The Express Group as media partner

Gift Card and Voucher Week has announced the Express Group as its national media partner this year. Running from 9th to 16th November, the exciting campaign is designed to celebrate and promote gift cards and vouchers in the pre-Christmas period.
The partnership will include activity in the Daily Express, Daily Star, Saturday Magazine (Daily Express), Hot TV Magazine (Daily Star) as well as New! Magazine, OK! Magazine and Star Magazine.
The campaign will include coverage of the ‘Week’ across the main national newspaper titles for a consecutive six day period; supported by coverage in the supplements and magazines.
Gift Card and Voucher Week will also include editorial coverage across a range of media as well as promotions in lifestyle magazines and websites, 50 regional newspaper competitions, 100 radio competitions and 40-50 radio interviews.
John Starr, Managing Director of Clareville, the PR agency behind Gift Card and Voucher Week says: “We are delighted that the Express Group has decided to join us as a media partner for the week, giving real value to our sponsors.
“With Christmas coming up it is a great opportunity to highlight how giving the gift of choice is one of the best presents money can buy, allowing people to shop for what they want, when they want.”
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