European Chemicals Agency initialised
Update on European issues from Margot Parker

As the promotional world expands and more and more types of goods are included within its boundaries, so there is a need for knowledge of regulations relating to all types of products. On the face of it the REACH regulations (being primarily relating to chemicals) would not pertain to promotional products, but when you consider metals, textile dyes and solvents are included within this category, you will understand that this update has relevance to the promotions industry.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) was officially opened on June 4th by European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso. The new agency, located in Helsinki, is responsible for managing the implementation of REACH requirements in relation to the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction processes of Chemical substances. On the 1st of June 2008 two key processes of REACH entered into operation.
Registration of chemicals and pre-registration of some 30,000 chemicals currently in use (e.g. acids, metals, solvents and surfactants). Manufacturers or importers of chemicals have to pre-register them by 1st December 2008 if they want to continue manufacturing or importing them without interruption. It has been estimated that over 180,000 pre-registered files will be submitted.
ECHA will play a key role in ensuring that companies will be able to comply with the REACH Directive, which will have important effects throughout Europe's manufacturing industry.
The REACH Directive has taken 11 years in the making and the onus from now on will be very much with manufacturers proving the safety of the chemicals they use in their products or manufacturing processes.
Margot Parker
Director, Eurocomconsult
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