Down, But Certainly Not Out
As Annie Swift, CEO of the ISP, tells us in her interview this month that the IPA’s Bellwether report states that sales promotion budgets, although revised downwards, were not cut as harshly as other budgets.
So, promotions will continue, but budgets will, I suspect, be more closely scrutinised with ROI being of the utmost importance. But that’s no surprise to those of us who have lived through other credit crunches, recessions, downturns or whatever the chosen phrase for the day is.
Basically, this is not a time for the feint hearted in the promotions industry. The promoting brands still have budget and those in the promotions industry who continue to promote themselves and be proactive in business acquisition and retention will obtain it, whilst those who go into shrinking violet mode … will not!
At we are continuing to promote and have retained over a thousand 'page one' rankings in Google, including the number one ranking for the key phrase Promotional Merchandise, plus 60,000 individual hits per month.
But enough about us!
There is definitely a hint of Christmas in the air and this month’s issue brings you our Corporate Christmas Gift feature with gifts ranging from the cute and cuddly, to the sparkly and snowy, but not ignoring the downright sensible too.
Although the feature is now published, don’t forget to keep us informed of any Christmas Corporate Gifts that can still be ordered in time for Christmas delivery and we’ll pop them up on our news pages, which are updated daily. Just call us Santa’s little helpers.
Carole Bull
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