What is the newsletter and website all about? It’s about bringing the industry together. It’s about offering buyers the opportunity to buy and suppliers a platform from which to supply. It’s about keeping both parties up to date with news. Basically, it’s about communication.
We at Promo News want to keep communicating with you in a meaningful way, which is why we conducted our surveys in October (one for buyers and one for suppliers) so that we can understand you and your views and requirements.
Some interesting observations have come out of the survey results (see feature article) and these will allow us to continue to develop the site in line with the needs of both buyers and suppliers. However, the results also offer buyer and suppliers the opportunity to understand each other’s modus operandi too, which must be a good thing for the industry as a whole.
So read the feature, scan the news, amuse yourself with the Top 10 most memorable promotional gifts … but most of all, have a great Christmas and we are all looking forward to making 2007 a great year for you to do business via
Carole Bull
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