Bpma’s response to PROMOTA’s withdrawal from proposed merger
This is the official response from the bpma to PROMOTA’s recent statement regarding its withdrawal from the proposed merger:
Gill Thorpe, Chair of the BPMA, said, “Last Thursday, 17 December 2009, the Chairman of Promota, Rod Duncan, wrote to PROMOTA members informing them that they were withdrawing from the merger. As of today (22 December) the bpma has not directly received any communication from PROMOTA notifying us of the fact. Included in PROMOTA’s letter were a number of comments and a copy of a letter sent to the BPMA. Unfortunately PROMOTA didn’t send a copy of the letter issued by myself in response.
“Merger talks have been going on for some time, all with the aim, from the bpma side, of moving the industry forward and offering an even better service to members. Unfortunately PROMOTA do not seem to agree with the concept of ‘one industry, one voice’.
“Whilst these protracted talks have been going on, the board of the bpma, supported by the secretariat, has continued to work tirelessly to improve member services. The bpma is a forward thinking association, dynamic and energised for the long-term future of the industry.”
Gill Thorpe, chair of the bpma, recently laid out the Association's strategy for 2010 at the bpma’s Christmas Lunch. A video of this speech can be viewed on the bpma website (www.bpma.co.uk), on the news and press release pages.
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