BPMA reveals survey results from Promotional Products Rock campaign
The BPMA have revealed the findings of the 'What's on your desk?' survey conducted as part of Promotional Products Week. Business people across the UK participated in the survey which was conducted from June to August 2014.
The results show that 89.3 per cent of business people use free branded pens at work. But it seems that pens aren’t the only popular freebie item that people keep on their desk. 65.4 per cent of the business people asked said they had a promotional mug on their desk. 54 per cent had calendars and sticky notes whilst 51 per cent used promotional notebooks. Other items found on desks included mousemats (49 per cent), pencils (39 per cent), calculaters (38 per cent), desk pads (35 per cent) and diaries at 26 per cent.
83 per cent of the respondents stated that they would be able to name a brand or company/organisation featured on promotional products on their desk and 76 per cent of respondents keep the promotional products that they receive. 83 per cent of the respondents have purchased from the companies that supplied them with promotional items and 96 per cent agree that promotional items increase a company's brand awareness.
Gordon Glenister, Director-General of the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) who commissioned the research as part of the BPMA's activities for Promotional Products Week, commented: "It’s remarkable that, as our survey shows, 89.3 per cent of business people had a branded promotional pen on their desk from an organisation - whether it’s from a hotel, bank, conference, exhibition stand or given by a supplier."
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