Blowing Our Own Trumpet
Here at Promo e-News we are well known for telling you about all the latest products and services in the industry and how well companies are doing, but what we haven’t really taken the time to do is to tell you how well we are doing!
Did you know that currently has over 400 number one Google search engine positions? (Not including 'paid for' positions).
Current top positions include:
Promotional Products
Not only that, we average over 60,000 unique visitors a month.
Paul Sung, our Online Sales Director, tells me, “Our easy to use product searches are as busy as ever, the free quick quote service is extremely popular with buyers and we generate an average of over 1,000 sales leads a day for our advertisers.”
So, of you want to explore the advertising potential of the site e-mail Paul Sung
Also, the Promo e-News content is e-mailed out to 21,359 subscribers each month. So, what are you waiting for? If you want your news to be seen by a potential readership of 81,359, e-mail it to me now. Next month’s feature is promotional clothing and accessories (including badges and keyrings) so I’m particularly keen to have news and views from that sector of the industry.
In the meantime, I’m off to learn a bit more about technology ..(see the feature).
Carole Bull
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