Best Foot Forward
I know … it’s official … we are in a recession. But this is an industry that gets going, when the going gets tough and we are about to see this in action at the various industry exhibitions and events coming up.
We’ve already had a positive report of brisk business at PSI.
As I write this, I’m just heading off to the Trade Only National Exhibition (Ricoh Arena, Coventry, 28/29 January) where 200 exhibitors will be showcasing their products and services to thousands of visitors. Then there’s the BPMA Awards Dinner at the Trade Only Show, where 400 people will gather to celebrate all that’s good about this industry. All of which shows the enthusiasm and gusto that’s apparent in this sector at the moment.
And I’m sure this will be mirrored at the Promotional Marketing Exhibition 24 – 26 March (Horticultural Halls, London) where 120 exhibitors (many from Europe and beyond) will be showing us the latest and most innovative products and services.
If you go to these events, do let me have your feedback. Whether you are an exhibitor a visitor or a partygoer, your opinion is valid.
Carole Bull
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