Be Prepared ….
Now, more than ever, the promotions industry has got to think on its feet and be prepared for anything.
We all know that times are tough financially in some sectors, but it is at times such as these when the promotions industry, with its cost effective and proven techniques, comes into its own. Indeed, many companies in the sector are rubbing their hands and remembering the increase in business that the last downturn brought to them.
Sad to say, the British obsession with the weather is also a factor that will contribute to the sector using all its skills just now. Well, not in dealing with the obsession but in dealing with the weather itself. Having just experienced a Bank Holiday of two distinct halves weather-wise (sunshine in the north and wind and rain in the south) its obvious our outdoor summer events have to have promotional items to cater for all conditions. Our feature looking at promotional clothing covers this. From sun hats to protect kiddies, to T–shirts for all, and nice warm hoodies – just in case it turns cold!
Next month’s feature focuses on sports goods and cool bags, but I think I’d better include some info on waterproofs and thermos flasks too, just to be on the safe side!
Carole Bull
PS As always, send your comments, news and observations for next month’s Promo e-News to me.
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