Alligators, Calendars, Crystal Balls and Dragons
Last month’s most clicked upon item in the newsletter was an umbrella a sad reflection of our summer weather. But the reason I’m telling you this is that … that’s all you have to do in any item or feature to find out more about a product or company – just click. Each news item contains a link straight through to the company, product group or product we are featuring, it’s a simple as that.
And this month we are featuring executive gadgets. As well as speaking to suppliers I’ve canvassed the great and good in the industry to find out what their favourite promotional gadget is … or what would be on the top of their wish list.
A personalised calendar from inameit takes pride of place on Liz Karn’s desk. Liz is no stranger to promotional merchandise being past Chairman and President of the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) as well as MD of Merit Promotional Clothing. “I received this calendar with my personal name on each page. I was so impressed that I ordered some for my customers for a Christmas gifts and they went down really well. But top of my wish list is an Aston Martin, but I think that’s highly unlikely, but I can live in hope. I am an optimist you know.” All of which proves that promotional gifts do work. Liz received one, she liked it … and she bought some.
And continuing on the theme of the BPMA this is where the dragons come in. The BPMA is encouraging the marketing industry’s associations pull together … on the water.
The BPMA held a dragon boat racing day for the marketing community at Dorney Lake Windsor, the rowing centre for the 2012 Olympics.
Associations, agencies, suppliers and brand management were all invited to enter teams. Associations including the EVENTIA, IPIA, POPAI and DMA are participating and the Promotional Marketing Exhibition is sponsoring the drinks at the event. Thirsty work that rowing!
BPMA Director General Gordon Glenister commented: "A corporate dragon boat race event is a great way to bring the different areas of the marketing industry together."
Look out for a review and pics in the August issue of Promo News.
Carole Bull
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