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A little help with marketing your business in 2013

Posted in Editors Column on Mon 26 Nov 2012

Social media and blogs account for 23% of all time spent online and 61% of people say that because they feel better about a company that produces custom content, they are more likely to buy from them. 90% of consumers find custom content useful and 78% believe that those organisations providing custom content are interested in building relationships with them.

Content marketing is a vital marketing initiative that is here to stay. Engaging in social media interactions will help to build relationships with potential consumers but at the moment, the average engagement rate for a brand on Facebook is just 2%.

The online presence of a company is becoming more important with every year. In 2013 a few changes are being made to the way a web page’s quality is identified and therefore ranked. It is going to become more important for companies to engage in social media for SEO purposes and it will no longer just be a case of marketing the brand. There will be a new focus on the individual writing the content.

This major trend that is expected to impact SEO in 2013 is AuthorRank, a new quality metric used to identify page quality and search engine ranking. The way a search engine measures content quality will no longer solely be based upon the authority of the domain or web page, but also on the reputation and authority of the individual who authored the content. Authors will be afforded a reputational grade which will be used when ordering the natural search engine results.

Many people will not be familiar with how to market the author rather than the content or website they are writing for. The standard way to raise an author’s reputational grade is to tie pages they have written to their Google Plus profile. They are then ranked on the engagement with the content they have produced, including tweets, likes, shares and +1’s. The influence and relevancy of those engaging and the quality and relevancy of inbound links also factor in.

Therefore, to improve AuthorRank on your website you have two main options. You can source content from authors who already have a strong online reputation and you can build the AuthorRank of those within your company. With either option you will need to ensure that you have strong social media interaction in order for it to positively impact upon your page rankings.

Promotional-Merchandise has always offered a service whereby, for all advertising suppliers, we will upload any press releases to our e-news pages free of charge and also publicise them on our Twitter and Facebook pages. The news is also sent out to our mailing list at the end of each month, effectively reaching a much larger audience. This offers an extra channel for our suppliers to increase their social media interaction. Something which, I think will become increasingly sought after in 2013.

Send any news to and if you are interested in any of the other services Promotional-Merchandise offers, contact

Lauren Cayless White,

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